Provides control over and insight into spreading actions

SAM | Spreading Action Management

Spreading Action Management gives you a quick and easy insight into all aspects of combating slippery conditions. This means that you not only have an overview of the spreading itself, but also of the preparation, handling, possible defects and results.

Of course you can estimate how much salt has been consumed and deduce something from the departure and arrival times of the material at the support point. However, we at BG-Engineering prefer not to speculate! ‘Measuring is knowing’ is our adage. That is why we work with the latest techniques in slippery detection and control. Because as a road manager it is your job to enable safe and fast use of the road. Winter-Controle offers you support by showing at a glance where, with what material and what quantity has been spread in your area. 

SAM – the advantages

  • Follow and up-to-date overview of your spreading actions
  • Link from GMS to SAM
  • Clear management information in an instant;
    • Spreading actions
    • Financial result
    • Salt Management
  • Immediate digital registration of defects and/or material repairs to supplier or maintenance company 
  • Proven effectiveness of Winter-Control;
    • Equipment possible for all types of spreaders
    • Various provinces and municipalities (and more than 550 spreaders) already work with SAM

Start a spreading action

Winter-Control offers you the opportunity to quickly and via various devices (PC, tablet and telephone) indicate the type of spreading action that suits the situation: from preventive or curative spreading actions to bus stop or shovel actions. It won’t take more than a few clicks! Here you indicate where the action takes place, how much salt should be spread and who you want to inform with a notification. Different action types are added to the system effortlessly. Switch quickly, spread quickly!

Users informed in time

When you register a spreading action, you can choose to send a notification to users or inform citizens via Twitter, text message, e-mail, Telegram, voice call or Winter-Control message. In addition to the ‘standard’ notifications, you can opt for additional notifications with the module Notification Center. This allows you, for example, to keep contractors, partners and local municipalities informed of developments and possible activities.

More insight through real-time data and reports

By providing your equipment with modems, our servers receive current data that can be viewed real-time in SAM. From the status of the various spreaders to the last spreading action, from every ride to any deviations in percentages or minutes. Google Maps lets you closely monitor spreading actions, both in terms of speed and amount of salt spread. An automatically generated spreading report (PDF) shows the result of the spreading action: the consumption of salt, the estimate of the remaining spreading actions based on this consumption, the status and contents of the salt sheds. By comparing reports, you always have a frame of reference, up-to-date information and the opportunity to intervene where necessary. The very best: you have access at any time via computer, tablet or telephone. SAM therefore enables you to manage spreading actions and use the material more efficiently.

Invoicing module

The additional Invoicing module speeds up and simplifies the invoicing process. After completion of a spreading action, this module automatically processes the routes driven and costs incurred into a draft invoice. Any discounts or bonuses will be settled there and after approval by the contractor, the invoice will be sent automatically. The financial result of the work/ is calculated per period, per plot or per action type and displayed in an invoicing report. Because first and foremost you contribute to anti-slip measures, but the financial result is also very important! Winter-Controle offers the option of making periodic reports of the financial results of your work area. Invoicing, Salt Management, the hours worked and possible material damage are linked to this. At any desired level of detail and in the file type of your preference, you can view the structure of all costs incurred.

Salt Management

Monitor and supply all storage depots, salt sheds and sodium installations from one place: this is possible with the additional module Salt Management in SAM. Based on limit values, you will receive a warning message when a stock requires replenishment. If desired, an order is automatically sent when a material type drops below a limit value, so your stock will always be at the required level.